What else can go wrong? No, don't answer that.
Monday - frozen pizza (with apple rhubarb crumble cake for dessert)
Tuesday - tuna casserole
Wednesday - Pizza Hut delivery
Thursday - toasted cheese with baked beans and canned fruit on the side
Friday - brats (under the broiler, the grill is buried in snow), a can of soup, and yogurt.
Breakfast was a little easier. Amigo isn't fussy, for a teen. I threw oatmeal or toast at him each day and sent him off to school with a pocketful of cough drops so he wouldn't feel left out of the cold (virus). Lunch? Leftover chicken soup on Monday and Tuesday, after the morning nap. The rest of the week, I tossed a PBJ and an orange in my lunch bag to eat at my desk while I caught up on plans and my gradebook.
In keeping with my neo-frugal outlook, I've made my own coffee many days and filled my mug from the office pot on others. I haven't visited my favorite beverage kiosks once during the month of January. Oh, no, did I hear they're closing stores? And it's my fault for not providing stimulus? Never mind.
Friday, I thought I'd treat myself to a hazelnut at Jo to Go. Then I realized the temperature was a balmy 1 degree above zero. That matters, you see, because my minivan doesn't like the cold weather. I can't open the driver's side window if the thermometer reads lower than 10 degrees Fahrenheit. Already a little down, I made myself a small batch of coffee while I was getting Amigo out the door. Then I realized I'd left my favorite insulated mug at school, and I felt mildly depressed. I filled my backup mug (of course I have a backup insulated travel mug, doesn't everybody?) and headed out to school.
I sat down at my desk, checked email and reveled in the fact that there wasn't much, and then started attacking the mess on my desk, when my neighbor teacher came in with a mocha latte from Starbucks! I burst out in a smile for the first time that morning, thanked her, and then told her about my forgotten mug which was still lost. She remembered seeing it in the library next to the computer printer. w00t! I zoomed down the hall to ask the library media specialist, and sure enough - there it was! Oh, the day was looking up now.
So for a short while, my desk sported three coffee cups. Yes, it did. Three.
And the day, although hopeful, did not improve. I remember muttering under my breath (to the same media specialist who'd found my mug earlier in the day) something about the desire to invent the Ritalin Salt Lick.
She didn't let me hide under her desk, but she did laugh out loud and chase my kids into line so I could take them back to class. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: if I have a rough day, I don't want to have it anywhere else.
Labels: pandemic ahead, Random Thoughts, teachers live at school, the coffeepot's on