We bicker like family.
Lunch periods are rushed. I usually spend my 40 minute lunch break making copies, setting up math materials, cleaning up science labs, and returning phone calls and emails. That is, if I'm not fielding concerns from one or two of the many teachers in my team or listening to colleagues rant because they know I'm a safe sounding board.
But when push comes to shove, I cannot imagine a more caring, spontaneous, and supportive group of coworkers.
I walked in last Friday morning exhausted, lugging my heavy schoolbag, my purse, my lunch bag, and a special treat for surviving a challenging week: a cup of hazelnut coffee from Jo to Go. I walked down a few stairs to put my lunch in the lounge refrigerator, back up those same three stairs and tripped. Hard. Down on my knees, rammed my right wrist on the floor, and lost the entire cup of coffee. As I watched that precious liquid coursing across the floor, I felt ridiculously close to tears.
Immediately, before I even stood, I was surrounded by five people sporting rags and paper towels, helping me stand, asking if I was okay, wiping up the coffee, moving my bag and purse so they didn't get damaged, and generally taking over to make sure all was well with the world again.
And then the physical education teacher brought me a fresh cup of coffee from her own personal stash in the office off the gym.
Again, even as I laughed at my klutziness, despaired of my bruised knees and ego, I had a sense of gratitude and a feeling of being very, very lucky.
If I had to have a bad day, I'm glad I work here.
Happy Love Thursday, everybody.
Labels: Love Thursday, teachers live at school, the coffeepot's on

What a sweet post! I don't think it's possible to ask too much more than to love the people with whom you work. Fortunate indeed!
That says a lot about your building! Morale means so much in schools.
This just warms my little heart.
Awww. You're so fortunate to have so many colleagues who care. And to be happy where you work (because you teachers really are underappreciated).
I loved this post.
What a delightful post. You're so lucky to have such nice colleagues. And one with a coffee stash? Make sure you stay on her good side!
Great post. Wish I had coworkers like that. But it's just me, myself and I : )
That's touching.
I guess all jobs have politics, but it's good to know your co-workers are there to pick you up when you are down!
I'm like in tears here over your spilt coffee and friendly teacher co-workers. Probably because some of the most amazing people I've known (and know) have been (and are) my own kids' teachers.
Everyone go kiss a teacher.
I stumble U.
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