Mom's playing in the dirt again!
- I can't hear the telephone.
- Digging in the dirt is fun.
- It doesn't matter if I'm all sweaty and grimy.
- I can appreciate the growth of my vegetables by comparing them to the weeds I'm pulling out.
- I see the little flowers that mean the plants will bear fruit -- some time.
- I can laugh at the tiny "stray" tomato plants that grew where the rotten fruit dropped last fall.
- The science teacher in me looks at all the clover and thinks, "Wow! There's a lot of nitrogen in this soil! Who needs fertilizer?"
- I notice the little grubs and worms that aerate the rich soil; and they're not, I said NOT, yucky.
- I notice how dark and rich the soil is, thanks to our home-grown compost.
- The weeds (well, most of them) will become part of the cycle of life by decomposing in the compost bin.
- Progress is noticeable. Every little bit of weeding shows results.
update: I have entered this post in Scribbit's Write-Away Contest. Details here.
Labels: garden

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LOL Oh gosh, I hear ya! Wonderful therapy weeding the garden.. or is that gardening the weeds?
Blessings to You
P.S.ssst! Sorry about the deleted post, hit the wrong buton! :)
There are still several clover plants that "grew" while I was composting the rest. Ah, well, they're not taking over -- yet. Tomorrow will be another day.
30 minutes a day? Gasp. Gosh, I do probably 2 hours a week when I'm at my most productive. That includes the mowing too.
But I'm already dreaming of what I'm going to plant . . . .
Most excellent! I envy your ability and dedication. I found you through Scribbit's contest. Great entry for it.
Yes, I too loose myself when playing in the dirt. What a great entry for growth.
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