Oh, Canada - you're so green.

Labels: all politics are local, family life; vacation plans

Labels: all politics are local, family life; vacation plans
Labels: family life; vacation plans, it's not easy being green, Random Thoughts
Labels: family life, So many books: So little time
Best meal: Grilled salmon in Portland, Maine. Or was it the seafood chowder at the Stone Soup Cafe in Ipswich, Mass.? Then there was that fish cake in Shelburne, Nova Scotia...and their chowder was delicious, too.
Worst meal: Ohio rest stop. See above. Overpriced, poor quality, and I'll stop there. We skipped Ohio on the trip home in favor of going through Ontario.
Best seafood? Come on, we were on the Atlantic coast. Every bit of fish we had was delicious.
Best customer service: Pontiac dealer in Yarmouth. Those people were wonderful. I wish we lived there so we could give them more business.Best coffee: Sorry, that's another whole post.
Labels: family life; vacation plans, Random Thoughts
Labels: all politics are local, Wordless Wednesday
Labels: family life; vacation plans, Random Thoughts, the coffeepot's on
Labels: all politics are local
Labels: all politics are local, teachers live at school
Labels: family life; vacation plans, the coffeepot's on
Labels: teachers live at school
Created by OnePlusYou
72%. Not bad, all things considered. Blogging is fulfilling, fun, and cheaper than therapy. Now that school is out, I'll spend more time decompressing online. If I took this quiz in a few weeks, my addiction percentage might be higher. Meanwhile, I need to refill my coffee cup.
How does your blogging addiction measure up? Leave your score in the comments!
Labels: Random Thoughts
Labels: family life, Random Thoughts
Labels: disabilities, family life; vacation plans
Labels: cheeseheads, Funday Sunday, Random Thoughts
Labels: blog blast, family life, teachers live at school, the coffeepot's on
Labels: teachers live at school
Labels: Random Thoughts, teachers live at school
Labels: kitchen stories
Patricia at Communication Exchange tagged for a meme: 6 Unspectacular Quirks. The rules are as follows:
1. Link the person(s) who tagged you.
2. Mention the rules on your blog.
3. Tell about six unspectacular quirks of yours.
4. Tag six following bloggers by linking them.
5. Leave a comment on each of the tagged bloggers' blogs, letting them know they've been tagged.
I followed rules 1 and 2 above, so here goes #3.
*Due to the excessive rain and heat lately, my compost bin stinks. It's rotting at a record pace, which is good, I guess, but Phew, it's aromatic!
*I snore. I've taken to wearing a breathing strip on my nose at night, and it seems to help. Some. *I buy too many books. I read them all, none go to waste, but it's a weakness of mine.
*I speak a fair amount of Spanish, which is a handy skill for a teacher in my neighborhood where one third of the surnames on my class list are Mexican. Wonderful kids and families, by the way! *If I hadn't become a teacher, I would have become a nurse.
*When school is out for the summer, it takes me at least a week to adjust to sleeping a little later in the morning.
Labels: family life, Random Thoughts
Labels: Random Thoughts
"For all her vaunting ambition, she was never a candidate who ran for president just because it’s the presidency. She thought about winning in terms of the things she could accomplish, and she never forgot the women’s issues she had championed all her life — repair of the social safety net, children’s rights, support for working mothers."
I will always admire Hillary Clinton -- not for her titles of First Lady or Senator or Presidential Candidate, but for all she's accomplished. I truly believe she's not finished accomplishing yet.
Labels: all politics are local
Labels: "Shoulds" are bogus
Labels: blog blast, family life, garden, kitchen stories
Labels: all politics are local
Labels: family life, garden
Labels: teachers live at school
Labels: family life; vacation plans, garden, the coffeepot's on