Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Roots and stems, nuts and twigs

We've gotten creative with our menus since Amigo has been ordered off all dairy and onto a bland, somewhat low fat diet. We pulled out a holiday standard the other day: rootmash. It's one of Husband's specialties. He saw it on Food Network, made it, liked it, and now we offer it as an alternative to mashed potatoes every Thanksgiving. I made it the other day as an alternative to the ever-bland pastas and potatoes we'd been foisting on the teen, and it was easy enough to handle.

4-6 potatoes
2 large carrots
1 small turnip
1 small parsnip
1 rutabaga

Boil vegetables. Drain. Add a small amount of water or milk. Mash. Season to taste. Voila!
There may be other tricks to it, but I'm a low-maintenance cook. I like to keep it simple. The only hint I can offer is this: start with the hardest veggies, gradually adding those with shorter boiling times.

I've suggested adding chives or green onions to the mix. Sour cream on top would be good (but not for the non-dairy Amigo). Husband will not, will not add any ingredients that are not roots!! I tease him a little, but I'll respect his wishes. It is, after all, one of his specialty dishes.

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Blogger Earth Muffin said...

YUM!!! Sounds delicious...we're members of a community garden and are sometimes at a loss as to what to do with the copious amounts of "root" veggies we get in the fall. Can't wait to try this!

(Don't tell your husband, but we'll definitely be adding the green onions and probably the sour cream as well!)

6/03/2008 10:07 AM  

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