Will swine flu fizzle or present a pandemic?
I should make sure our medicine cabinet is stocked.
Reality: I usually buy over-the-counter meds when they're on sale, especially vitamins & supplements. They run 2 for 1 specials so often I never want to pay full price.
End result: We have lots of some meds, we're almost out of others.
I should make sure our cupboard is stocked.
Reality: Fear of Mother Hubbard Syndrome is alive and well, and we have plenty of canned and frozen foods - including the beef stock I made last night after grilling steaks. That will be one. good. soup.
End result: We'll be able to last a few weeks if we're quarantined. A month? That might be tougher.
I should go over my files and records from Public Health Training.
Reality: I barely have the time and energy to get my school papers corrected and recorded.
End result: I'll pull the files when the first case gets reported in my state or in town.
Heck with all this! I should be gardening!
Reality: Wisconsin weather is fickle, and there's still the potential for frost later this week.
End result: Planting will wait until the end of May.
I should write a knowledgable post about swine flu.
Reality: Swine flu posts abound, as do up-to-date articles. Search any reputable news site for swine flu and you'll find updates.
End result: I think I'll go check the medicine cabinet and see if I need to make a stop at Walgreens!
In between writing the rough draft and hitting publish, I received the latest newsletter for public health volunteers in my fair city. The advice is routine, and I hope the situation remains so. ------->Prevent germ transmission in standard ways, stay home if you're sick, etc.
-->Store a two week supply of food and water and pet supplies, stock up on nonprescription medicines, and keep prescriptions current.
-->Keep a good supply of basic health supplies such as thermometers, gloves, soap and hand sanitizers, and cleaner/ sanitizers such as bleach.
-->Plan ahead: know how family members will be cared for if they're sick.
Hmm...with aging parents and a kiddo in college, the last item on the list isn't as easy as it sounds. Maybe I "should" make a few phone calls.
Labels: "Shoulds" are bogus, pandemic ahead, Random Thoughts