Monday, April 06, 2009

R & R; I think I'm getting this technique down.

I'm getting better at this relaxation concept. Today was much more low-key than yesterday.

Housework: not much. Made cinnamon rolls for breakfast to go with the coffee, made supper (with Husband's help) - home made pizza. Put away the remainder of the clean clothes.

Schoolwork: none. None!!

Relaxation: afternoon nap. Ooh, that felt good.

Garden: It was mighty cold outside and very windy, so I didn't spend much time on it. I just dug out another wheelbarrow load of compost and dumped it into the garden, and then I loosened what was left in the compost bin with a pitchfork. The compost is really compacted tightly; tough to get out and spread.

Reading material: Started Carry Me Home by Sandra Kring. She's one of the authors coming to town for our Book Festival later this month. It's a good book so far: strong story made unique by the point of view from which it's told.

More reading material: Amigo has a braille copy of Tales of Beedle the Bard, so I sat with him (and my print copy) and we read together for an hour. I hope he doesn't outgrow this simple pleasure anytime soon.

Simple fun: watched Country Music Awards with Amigo, chatted online with La Petite, sipped a beer with Husband.

Feels like a break, at long last.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are doing JUST FINE learning how to kick back!

4/06/2009 9:42 AM  
Blogger Lisa said...

Sounds lovely! My husband's school has Fridays off for several weeks in place of a spring break. In someways it's nice but I never get caught up enough to relax it seems lol. Oh well this summer we are going to try and take a few trips so that will be nice.

4/06/2009 10:55 AM  

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