Tiny Bunny
Tiny and Beast bonded. When Tiny got older and matured, we took her in to get spayed. She came back, well, neutered. She was really He.
Beast died last year. Tiny has lived in the house with us since then, hiding in odd places and playing with toys. This morning we called the animal hospital. Tiny is sick, with many of the same symptoms that Beast showed last summer. He had trouble breathing this afternoon and ran a high fever. The vet put him on an antibiotic, but looked very worried. Late last night, Tiny started sneezing blood violently from his small furry nose. We called the 24 hour vet line and brought him in. The bottom line: he has an infection, probably an abscess, and is very likely on his last petite little legs. Rather than leaving him in an specialized oxygen tent at the animal ER, we brought him home. We will make his day(s) as comfortable as we can, keep checking in on him, and snuggle him as much as he can handle. When he's ready, we'll say goodbye.
Update: Tiny passed away around 2:30 Sunday afternoon. I was with him and able to pet him and soothe him as he took his last few breaths. Thank you for all of your words of support.
Labels: bunnies bunnies everywhere

We know how hard this is. We refused to have Abby put down. She had been part of the family for just short of 15 years and we felt she deserved to decide when she had said all of her good-byes.
at least bunny has you to gently ease this transition. am sorry for the hurt.
I'm happy to have found you. Thanks for visiting me in "Fairbanks." I'm sorry to hear about your bunny. Thanks for giving her a good life.
The only thing about animals I don't like is the fact that their lives are so much shorter than ours.
Give Tiny a snuggle from me.
I'm sorry.
I am sorry. They will live on forever through your writing! I love the picture.
So sorry for your loss. hugs.
I'm sorry for your loss. He was a good bunny.
I'm so sorry for your family's loss. What a very cute bunny. And what a very sweet family to care for HIM so much. :)
Oh, I'm so sorry to hear about Tiny. Thinking of you.....
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