Sunday, April 05, 2009

Weekend Update, Spring Break R & R, Daisy style

Saturday summary:
Relaxation: slept in until almost 7. If you're thinking "Only 7?" I need to remind you that I get up at 5:30 AM on school days. This means an extra hour and a half of rest.

Schoolwork: checked school email. Nothing urgent, deleted a bit of junk. Now I can let that rest for the remainder of break.

  • Laundry. Lots of it. Typical Saturday in that way.
  • Cleaned bunny's litter box and cage (see garden, below).
  • Dumped compostable litter (very dirty) into garden. Spread it out on top of soiled paper, unrecyclable. By the time I plant in late May, this "garbage" will either decompose or be tilled into the soil.
  • Arranged overflow pipe from rain barrel so that any additional water goes directly into the garden plot. Used water from the rain barrel to rinse bunny's litter box.
    Despite accomplishing very little in the garden itself, I am feeling very green!

Reading material: finished (and enjoyed) The Eyre Affair. Now I'll start a few of the books I picked up at the local independent bookstore yesterday. One side-benefit to using I know I spend less on books than I used to spend, and therefore I can buy a few new ones now and then. I'll keep those that warrant a reread, and I'll post the rest on PBS. With those credits, I'll get more books for me and audio books for Amigo. All that and stimulating the local economy, too -- must sit down and take a breath.

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Blogger MediMonsters said...

Boy, you have had a busy weekend!

I wanted to invite you over to my blog and get involved with my Penny Pinching Parade launching on April 14. There will be a Mr. Linky list and a giveaway.

I think you have some wonderful ideas and tips to help save some money with composting...and its something I would like to learn more about.

Come to my blog and leave me a comment, become a follower and grab my button and last but not least--join in the parade!

4/05/2009 11:44 AM  
Blogger Nancy said...

Oh, I am always so excited when someone new chances upon my lonely blog, and clearly someone named DAISY would make me extra happy (my oldest daughter is Daisy -- quite possibly one of the cutest names out there).

Sad that our idea of sleeping in changes so drastically from when we were young and carefree, huh? I now consider 8:00 am to be quite a luxury.

Also, I wish I had some of my own gardening sense (as it sounds you do). Our new home has TONS of disastrous flower beds (disastrous because they sat uncared for for over a year) and I don't have the faintest idea of how to handle them!

4/05/2009 1:38 PM  

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