Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Mom's Famous Home Fried Potatoes

No, they're not really fried. They're baked. They're simple, too.

Use white or yellow potatoes for best results.

Portions: I plan one medium potato per person, more if the person is a potato lover like La Petite.

Scrub potatoes. Dice, skins on, to about one inch squares (or random shapes, but keep them a fairly regular size for even heating). Pat dry with towel.

Spray baking sheet with non-stick spray. Spread potatoes on sheet, then spray potatoes with non-stick spray. Sprinkle with seasoning salt such as McCormick's Season-all. Bake at 400 degrees for about 15 minutes. Turn, then cook for 15-20 minutes more until a fork easily goes through potatoes. Note: check after five minutes, depending on your pan's finish. You may need to stir or turn more often to prevent sticking.

Serve with your favorite main dish!


Add diced onions or scallions
Serve with chives and sour cream

To cook on the grill: sprinkle olive oil on doubled aluminum foil. Place potatoes in foil, season, then fold foil closed. Cook near coals for 20 minutes, then shake (to stir and avoid sticking) and heat through on regular height grill. If potatoes aren't done yet, finish in microwave. The smoky taste is delicious!


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