Friday, October 10, 2008

I don't recite the script in the teachers' manual, either.

Shortcuts. I take them all the time. In the classroom, on the road, on the computer (give me the keyboard commands and I'm faster than any mouse!), and in the kitchen.
Especially in the kitchen.

Tomato soup? I combined two recipes.

When a second batch of soup turned out a bit too bland for our tastes, we made the tomato into a base for minestrone (recipe to come, soon, I promise).

A muffin recipe with coconut, an ingredient no one but me will eat, turned into a new muffin that we all love.

I fill my crockpot more by formula and luck than by recipe.

We make planned overs as often as we leftovers; it gives us a shortcut later.

Even when I start out with a clear plan, it can change. Martha Stewart would never, ever live here.

Baking bread in the breadmaker is a shortcut. I almost feel guilty because it's so easy. The crockpot -- how would I teach and feed my family without it? One of my other favorite short cuts is starting baked potatoes in the microwave and finishing them on the grill. The cooking time is shorter, and they still get that fabulous charcoal grill taste.

This topic was suggested by Parent Bloggers Network and Ore-Ida Potatoes. Idaho may produce more potatoes than Wisconsin, but I know Ore-Ida works with my state farmers as well as those out west. My daughter loves all things potato, so if I registered early enough to get a free masher, I may have to share it with her. The coupon, though, that I'll keep.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Microwaves are a brilliant shortcut for a lot of things!

10/10/2008 10:25 AM  

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