Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Vegetable Stew (with beef, eventually)

I'm sorry. I can't give you a recipe. My stews are more likely to be cooked by formula, a formula like this.
Find a little of each and every vegetable in the house, including leftovers. Don't forget to pick a little of this and that from the garden.
Slice and dice and throw into the crockpot with a pound of stew meat and a few cups of beef stock. Simmer all day. Add gravy (or thickening, if it's watery enough) about an hour before serving.

The photo was pre-meat and pre-stock. This particular stew includes:
From the garden: spinach, fresh green pepper, one tomato, green and yellow beans, basil
From the farm market: corn on the cob (leftover from Sunday night), red pepper, yellow pepper
From the grocery store: stew meat, a splash of Worcestershire sauce
From the freezer: beef stock

Side dishes: I'll find something. I have that good light rye bread from the bakery, and I picked up cheese curds at the farm market, too. It'll be a harvest festival meal!

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Blogger Flea said...

Sounds like a good formula, one destined to work every time. Mmmm!

9/30/2008 11:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah yes, cheese curds as a side dish--with beer, right?

9/30/2008 11:28 AM  
Blogger Earth Muffin said...

YUM! Sounds delicious.

I'll bet you're one of those teachers that everyone walks by in at lunch time and says, "What smells so good? Is that your lunch?" Sometimes when I bring leftovers, I'm that teacher too.

9/30/2008 6:34 PM  

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