Friday, May 22, 2009

Not more with less, but more with the existing garden resources.

Doing more with less in a school setting can lead to burnout. In the garden, I'm focusing on doing more with what I already have available instead of doing more with less. My goal: feel productive, not overwhelmed.

Compost, of course. I'm adding paper this year, that which can not be recycled due to food residues. Husband puts in the grass clippings, I add some of the soiled bunny litter box contents, and of course any suitable kitchen scraps. The grass clippings keep the temperature hot and help decompose the rest.

The rain barrel is already a success. I use it to rinse the litter boxes, rinse the emptied compost bucket, water the rhubarb, and more. We've only used the outside tap when we need the high water pressure for washing the lawnmower.

Tomatoes have new supports, supports that I already owned. The bean trellis is the same one I've used for years. I'm using a few old tomato cages for pepper plants and snap peas, and I think I'll sell the rest at our June rummage sale. I really have too many. Hmmm...if La Petite would wash and paint them, maybe they'd be worth a little more. Maybe?

All this productivity with minimal investment helps my morale. I feel frugal for reusing and repurposing. I feel accomplished for getting the garden in and tending it. I feel thorough for doing my research and nurturing the tomatoes to do so well.

But lock your doors; if my zucchini is too prolific, I'll have to get creative in giving it away.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am loving my new rain barrel too. Such a grand thing.

5/22/2009 9:51 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Wish I had a rain barrel...but then it would have to rain more here, and that is hardly ever.
I love to cook zucchini with tomato and alittle Ms. Dash in a pan with alittle olive oil. Don't have to share much as hubby does not like Vegetables...he doesn't know what he is missing. Yum...

5/22/2009 1:55 PM  
Blogger Little Miss Sunshine State said...

When I had too much zucchini, I put it through the food processor and put it in freezer bags in 2 cup quantities. I had enough for baking breads and muffins for the entire winter.

5/22/2009 5:24 PM  
Blogger Kristin @ Going Country said...

Ah, the rain barrel. So convenient. We don't even have a hose, so the rain barrels are really necessary for us. It's a good day when the rain barrels are full for the first time and I don't have to fill the chicken waterer in the kitchen. It's the little things in life, right?

5/24/2009 4:08 PM  
Blogger Lisa said...

I'm jealous of the rain barrel. :)

Also I wish you lived closer I would so buy your cages!

5/25/2009 9:43 AM  

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