Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Comfort food

A few weeks ago I felt compelled to make homemade comfort food for Husband because a lengthy business trip was imminent. Then Amigo got sick, and I kept cooking comfort foods with the intent of helping his weakened body heal. Next, Husband came down with the virus, which turned into bronchitis. With the help of antibiotics and an inhaler, he's improving, and now my throat is sore.
My repertoire isn't that fancy. I'd just as soon pack a frozen meal for lunch as make a sandwich. But it's become a point of pride that I can and do actively pack a lunch most days, and actually cook an evening meal without resorting to frozen pizza too often. (Notice I didn't say never?) In the past few weeks, I've made tuna casserole, rotisserie chicken, followed by chicken dumpling soup, meatloaf, and more. I baked, too: hootycreek cookies, beer bread, and then lemon bars.
Last night I got lazy (or more accurately, started feeling under the weather) and made brats and baked beans. Husband wasn't feeling up to cooking, and I wasn't feeling much more energy than he had.
Maybe I should quickly make some chicken soup and freeze it. I'm not sure anyone else will be around to cook for me in the next few days. Campbell's chicken noodle is okay, but it's not the same as my homemade.
Better yet, maybe I'll get over this lousy virus quickly and be ready to cook again.


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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just send the tuna noodle casserole my way and no one will get hurt! (That is one of my favorites, but the Hubby hates it, so if I want it, I'm on my own...)

2/12/2008 1:37 PM  
Blogger Larramie said...

Thanks so much for commenting on my blog today, Daisy. Hope you were able to make that chicken soup. Oh and use Vicks, it really is a miracle cure.

2/12/2008 5:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi - have just come across your site. I'm Scott from www.diyfather.com - we are an online interactive forum for fathers based in New Zealand.

I was wondering whether you might be interested in a link exchange or posting a monthly summary of father related issues from our blog.

Please reply to scott@diyfather.com

Thanks Scott

2/12/2008 7:03 PM  
Blogger Miss Melissa said...

Mmmm, chicken noodle soup! I should make some and freeze it too.

Hope you're feeling better soon, Daisy.

2/12/2008 7:58 PM  
Blogger Donetta said...

I hope you stay well.

2/12/2008 9:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Make the soup. Even if you don't feel sick later on, you'll be happy for a night off of prepping food. I know I always feel so happy when I can yank a frozen home-made out in a pinch after a rough day.

2/13/2008 9:55 AM  
Blogger Flea said...

So how much weight have you gained in the last month? :D Comfort food always does my waistline in. Get plenty of rest, force those fluids, and be good to yourself.

2/13/2008 11:21 AM  

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