Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Canning Rhubarb

It was time. Despite the heat of the day, I donned my Pike Place Market apron and headed to the kitchen. I opened the book to the rhubarb page and got started.

Earlier this spring, I made stewed rhubarb. It was a hit with three out of four family members. I had in mind using City Slipper's advice for canning rhubarb, a high-acid fruit, with my own stewed rhubarb recipe, and canning the results. His recipe suggests 11 lb. of rhubarb, 1 1/2 pounds for each quart jar, for a full batch. I made half that.

4 quarts diced rhubarb
2-3 cups sugar
Combine rhubarb and sugar in large saucepan. When juice accumulates in the bottom of the pan, cover it, turn the heat on low, and let the rhubarb and sugar mixture come to a boil, then simmer until mixture resembles chunky applesauce. Mash with a potato masher if the pieces are too big.

Can: Fill canning jars with the boiling rhubarb sauce, leaving the standard 1/2 inch of headspace. Slide a chopstick down the insides of the jars to release the air bubbles if necessary. Add lids and bands, and process the jars in a hot water bath canner for 15 minutes.

The shelves are starting to get stocked! Three kinds of jam, stewed rhubarb, and we're off and rolling. It will be so much fun to take a jar off the shelf instead of writing these items on the grocery list; and it'll taste so much better, too!

I used instructions from Daniel Gasteiger's Yes, You Can! and freeze and dry it, too to create this recipe. Any errors, however, are mine. I recommend his book to anyone interested in preserving food. You can follow Daniel on Twitter at @CitySlipper or read his blogs.

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