Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Red beans and rice


2 cups cooked rice (see #3)
2 cups small red beans, dry (or 1 16 oz can of red beans)
2 Tablespoons chili powder or Creole Seasoning
1 teaspoon garlic powder or chopped garlic
1 small white onion, chopped
salt and pepper to taste
hot sauce, if desired
Optional: smoked sausage, cooked chicken, added in last 30 minutes of cooking.

1. Soak beans overnight. Drain and rinse.
2. In 4- to 6-quart slow cooker, layer all ingredients in order listed.
3. Cover; cook on Low setting 6 to 8 hours.
4. Meanwhile, cook rice in water as directed on package. Serve bean mixture over rice. (Optional: Serve with pepper sauce or hot sauce)

Isn't that easy? Next year, this could be a lenten special for those of you who like a meatless Friday. For now, I might send the link to my friends at the Green Phone Booth for their Meatless Monday specials.

Next time, remind me to photograph the rice on a different color plate. Really, there is a bed of rice under the bean dish.


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Blogger Erin aka Conscious Shopper said...

Thanks for participating in our Meatless Monday at the Booth. Hope you'll link up more recipes! This is such a simple, yet delicious looking dish anyone could make.

4/25/2010 8:32 PM  

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