Sunday, August 05, 2007

Overlapping Seasons make for a fun weekend

We watched a little of the Packer Family Night scrimmage on television last night. It was a little discouraging. The only decent pass reception we saw got called back for a penalty. Thank goodness it's only the pre-preseason at the moment.

But today, we'll exchange our green and gold for Brewers Blue, and (hopefully) watch them keep their spot at the top of the National League. I rarely buy overpriced game-day souvenirs, but if something turns up that would be perfect over the fireplace, it might just come home with us. I have enough souvenir cups, but if it's really hot, I'll get another. We have great seats this time. Who knows -- maybe we'll come home with a ball!

Win or lose, let's hear it for those sausage races!

Update: The True Blue Brew Crew started out with a bang and ended with a fizzle. The Phillies came from behind to tie in the 9th, and moved ahead in the 11th. The Brewer Dudes never caught up. Well, the Chorizo won the sausage race at the seventh, and the choir that performed the national anthem sang so well they gave me goosebumps. The positive outweighs the negative.

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Blogger Maureen Fitzgerald said...

Did you catch last night's Brewer game? They really earned that win (and you just gotta LOVE Corey Hart)!

8/05/2007 4:30 PM  
Blogger Daisy said...

Yes, Corey Hart is amazing. It looked like he jumped four feet straight up to catch that last one.

8/06/2007 9:41 AM  

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