Sunday, June 17, 2007

Funday Sunday

One fun thing about having a fireplace is decorating the mantle. Well, you know I'm not exactly a conventional decorator. My mantle is currently "decorated" in two themes: bunnies and baseball. Yes, one of the bunnies decided to take a swim in the martini glass. I'm more of a wine cooler or gin and tonic person, so the pretty glass, a gift, serves a decorative purpose instead.

We're still working on the baseball side of the display. I know we have bendables of three other racing sausages (directly to the right of the cap, the Hot Dog guy), so I'll keep looking. Amigo and husband brought home the bobbleheads last year. The plastic souvenir cap was either filled with ice cream or nachos (yes, I washed it) at another game in Miller Park.

Well, bratwurst, Polish, and Italian sausages, you can run, but you can't hide. I know you're around somewhere!

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Blogger Lady M said...

I like dual themes - our house is a combo of technie and vintage. A little odd, but that's what we've got.

Thanks for stopping by my place!

6/18/2007 2:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cute, cute. I've given up conventional decorating myself. Sugar Boy kind of directs the accessorizing around here. Lots of handmade notes, "paintings" and matchbox cars accent my decor. I would have died a few years ago if had told me this is how things would be.
Thanks for visiting Daisy. Have a great day!

6/18/2007 10:19 AM  
Blogger Day Dreamer said...

I used to have a theme, too. Much like mamalady above my world is just changed! Three kids later, my artwork is pictures of kids and kids pictures!

I love that themes tho, and look forward to some themes of my own in the not too distant future!

6/18/2007 2:23 PM  

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