Thursday, July 27, 2006

to-do list for not-so-lazy hot, hot day

It's hot enough and muggy enough to make me want to hang out in a recliner, under the ceiling fan, in air-conditioned comfort, with a frivolous novel and a glass of iced tea by my side. Well, I did some of that. But I was proud; my day was still riddled with minor accomplishments.

  • Make coffee.
  • Feed bunnies, already looking like they're feeling the heat.
  • Get breakfast for teenaged children and self.
  • Read with El Grande. (We're enjoying A Long Way from Chicago by Richard Peck; check it out! It's definitely not just for kids.)
  • Sympathize with La Petite when she complains that we have no white bread in the house. "But mom, I'm just not into flaxseed or multi-grain!"
  • Throw together the ingredients for a loaf of white bread in the bread machine.
  • Wave good bye to La Petite and minivan, heading to the beach with friends. Hope she remembered sunscreen. (Yeah, yeah, mom, like I'd forget? Give me some credit.)
  • Bring big, awkward rabbit cage upstairs (with help of sturdy metal dolly).
  • Install hot, hot rabbits in cage in La Petite's room (see picture below).
  • Collect all the towels in the house.
  • Wash and dry all the towels in the house.
  • Bring garbage cans in from curb and soak them with a little detergent to rid them of incredible odors made worse by hot weather.
  • Put lunch together for El Grande and self.
  • Fold and put away all the towels in the house.
  • Remove bread from bread machine. MMM!
  • After cooling (and spreading aroma throughout house), slice bread.
  • Read more with El Grande. Gosh, this Grandma's escapades are amazing!
  • Rinse garbage cans and leave them out to dry.
  • Return garbage cans to home base outside back door.
  • Give children money for pizza delivery supper. (Hey, I can rationalize it once in a while, especially since I baked bread, cleaned, and did laundry much of the day.)
  • Pack books and files for study group. Head out the door to enjoy professional and grown-up conversation!

Beast and Tiny in cage in La Petite's room, chillin' in the air conditioned house


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