Sunday, May 06, 2012

Isn't my blog the center of the universe?

Actual evening conversation in our home

Me: Oh, no! Our Internet connection is really, really slow!
Chuck: May I recommend you wait a day? There may still be some problems caused by last night's storm.
Me: But I'm in a Blogathon! I have to get tomorrow's post ready!
Chuck: Life goes on, dear, despite your blog.
Me: But it's part of my marketing strategy for the new domain and new URL!
Chuck (now trying not to laugh): Life goes on, dear, despite your blogging needs.

Luckily, I got online at that point.

Yes, we are still married.

And I'm cross-posting for a while at both URLs while the new Compost Happens is under construction. You can check out the progress here: Let me know how you like the new look!

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