Saturday, April 14, 2012

Zero Water Pitcher Review - How's your TDS?

I live in the Great Lakes basin where water is plentiful. In the Great Lakes basin, municipal water goes through mandatory primary, secondary, and tertiary treatment stages. Look it up. It's fascinating.

Even in the Great Lakes basin, unfortunately, water can contain particles that slip through the water treatment plant. People in the know refer to these as Total Dissolved Solids, or TDS. TDS can contain lead & chromium, among other metals; pharmaceuticals (unneeded medications flushed into the water supply), and more. These particles are tiny; they're measured in PPM, or parts per million. It's a wee bit scary, isn't it, to think of these microscopic dangers in our drinking water.

Enter the solution: the Zero Water Bottle for filtering water.

I have a water pitcher with a filter already, but I have no idea how much it filters out of my tap water. I offered to test the Zero Water brand filter because my current pitcher is an awkward shape for the refrigerator and because the Zero Water pitcher comes with its own water meter for measuring TDS. Before taking a sip, Chuck and I read the directions.

Chuck: This has more instructions than a broadcast camera!
Me: No problem. Clear instructions are good.
Chuck (reading enclosed pamphlet): Actually, it's not that bad. What is TDS? It's measured in PPM, parts per million.
Me: Total Dissolved Solids. See above for explanation of TDS.
Chuck: Why should I care?
Me: Those dissolved solids can be lead, chromium, medications... you name it.
Chuck: Ah. I get it.
Me: This will be fun. I don't get enough hands-on science any more. Hand me that meter.

Getting started using the TDS meter was indeed fun for me. I looked up the directions, made sure the meter started on zero, and then filled my new Zero Water pitcher. Meanwhile, I measured my tap water at 117 ppm.

You can find an estimate of your own TDS by entering your zip code at the Zero Water site. According to the site, my reading should have been higher: 275 ppm. I sent my own reading to the webmaster to help correct their data, something you can do if your reading is not the same as the one they have on record.

Now back to the pitcher. After going through the ion exchange filter in my new Zero Water pitcher, the TDS reading was an impressive 000. This process only took a few minutes.

So far, I'm impressed by the Zero Water pitcher. It fits nicely on my refrigerator shelf. It has a spout for pouring and a dispenser button at the bottom. In addition to these practical aspects, the filtration met, no, exceeded my expectations. I'm very pleased with this product.

Would you like to win a Zero Water filter pitcher of your own? You can, courtesy of MomCentral and ZeroWater. They're giving two readers a chance to own their own pitchers just like mine. Readers, leave a comment to be entered into the pitcher drawing. That's pitcher drawing, not picture drawing. Ahem. To make this even more interesting, leave your TDS reading from the Zero Water web site. It'll be fascinating to compare the data.

Make sure I have your email in your comment profile or already in my address book so I can contact you if you're a lucky winner. The drawing closes at midnight on Wednesday, April 25. It'll be worth your while. Limit yourself to one entry, please, despite my enthusiasm.

While you're waiting for the contest to close, you might want to visit the Zero Water web site and their Facebook page. If you don't win, or if you want to buy one for someone else, you can use MC30 for 30% off on a 10 cup pitcher at this site.

I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of ZeroWater and received a water pitcher to facilitate my review, two pitchers to giveaway, and extra filters to thank me for taking the time to participate. Participation was fascinating and fun.

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Anonymous Petunia said...

This sounds like a worthwhile product.

4/14/2012 2:36 PM  
Blogger DLSchroeder said...

Sounds like a good filter! Sometimes our water tastes funny and I end up having to buy water during those times. This would really help out!

4/15/2012 12:37 PM  
Blogger Book Dragon said...

my brother was talking about TDS last time we got together!

I'd like to throw my name in the hat....Gina @ Book Dragon's Lair

bookdragonslair at gmail dot com

4/15/2012 5:41 PM  
Anonymous DL Young said...

I could use this at work! The TDS for my area (Springfield, VA) shows as 115.

4/16/2012 1:43 PM  

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