Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Upcycling, reusing, and curbside decorating resources

First, there were the polka dot chairs.

Then, there was a chair that became a planter.

Next: it's not worthy of a photo yet, but we picked up the skeleton of a dresser drawer left curbside and turned it into a small flowerbed. I had an adventure digging a space for it; I found the footings for the front porch that was on our house nearly a century ago. Nope, I couldn't dig very deeply there! I had to do more evening out and building up than digging down.

I'm sure you'll see the results later as the plants grow.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

How fun! I've seen an old dresser used as a planter--flowers spilling out of the drawers!

3/28/2012 8:43 AM  

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