Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Eating the Opponent for the Playoffs

I baked pumpkin bread in the bread machine a few days ago and thought, "Ooh! I should post this." Duh. I posted it just before Christmas. By the way, it's delicious with pecans.

As for Eating the Opponent, we're thinking New York Strip Steak and Jersey bagels. Then again, New York pizza has its own style and Lombardi's of Manhattan is reputed to have been the first pizzeria in the U.S. Related to the trophy namesake? My research in that direction has had no results.

On the other hand, there are the famous New York black and white cookies, made from cake, not cookies. They look delicious, but I don't have time to bake a high-maintenance recipe that includes small cakes and two kinds of frosting. I wonder if any local bakeries make them? It might be worth checking. This native New York dish has a roundabout connection to the upcoming game, almost a 6 Degrees type of thing. Here goes.

The last time the New York Giants came to Lambeau Field, there was a big to-do about Eli Manning's favorite TV show being Seinfeld. Not wanting to give comfort to the enemy, our local affiliate refused to run its Seinfeld reruns at the usual time on that Saturday night. Seinfeld has incorporated the black and white cookie into at least one or two episodes. Is that enough for a connection? Well, if I had time to bake, maybe.

My research also turned up New York chili dogs, a.k.a. Coney dogs, but we used those as a tribute to the Detroit Lions. Let's hear it, readers. Can you name a uniquely New York food suitable for Eating the Opponent this weekend?

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, those black and white cookies. NO ONE makes them around here but they are the BEST.

1/10/2012 10:20 AM  
Anonymous Petunia said...

Pastrami is very popular in New York delis; but it would probably be better as a sandwich meal rather than a dinner.

1/10/2012 2:30 PM  

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