Friday, January 13, 2012

Eating the Opponent - planning ahead

My Green Bay Packers had a bye the first week of postseason. Depending on the results of two other games (or three?), they knew they would either play the New York Giants, the Detroit Lions, or the Atlanta Falcons. Or was it - Giants, Lions, or Saints? No, I think the Saints are elsewhere in the seeding order. Is that redundant - seeding order?

Meanwhile, back at the O.K. Chorale, we had no opponent last week. We had no definitive direction in which to point our spatulas and whisks. Instead of a menu, I give you The NFL Postseason According to Chuck.

Remember, Chuck is not a football fan. He's been forced to learn the game because 1. he married me and 2. he works for a television station in Green Bay and 3. his kids bleed green and gold like their mother. Despite being uncaring and outnumbered, he has a theory on this year's postseason action and potential results. Here goes:

Chuck believes that marketing drives all. The game that would attract the most viewers and have the most action would be an NFC Championship Game featuring two of the best quarterbacks: Aaron Rodgers and Drew Brees. To get that far, New Orleans has to win again, and Green Bay has to beat the Giants on Sunday afternoon.

That's basically it. New Orleans vs. Green Bay at Lambeau Field on January 22. Are you in, fellow fans? I'll bring the jambalaya.

But first, I'll bring home Jersey bagels for breakfast and grill New York Strip Steak for dinner. Take that, Giants.

As for the AFC, Chuck predicts the Denver Broncos. In his twisted television logic, he reminded me that the networks have groomed us to want the most drama before, during, and after the game. If Chuck's predictions come to pass (no pun intended, and don't you dare say none noticed), we'll see MVP Aaron Rodgers and his entourage up against the God-loving rookie kneeling on the sidelines.

Well, Tebow may be posing for a new version of The Thinker, but he shouldn't forget that Reggie White was evangelizing on the field when little Timmy was still a bobble-headed Pop Warner kid. And Reggie earned his wings, I mean his Super Bowl ring, with the green and gold.

Any questions?

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Blogger Charade said...

The Pack's defense should be better this week than in most recent games, as my own Big Daddy yelled at them about what they should be doing and gave them advice loud enough to be heard from mid-Missouri all the way to Lambeau. Go Pack!

1/13/2012 8:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My favorite match up would be New Orleans and Green Bay.
That said, I'm going to the game Sunday and CANNOT WAIT!

1/13/2012 9:55 AM  
Blogger songbird's crazy world said...

Giants fan weighing in here. There's no such thing as a "Jersey bagel". You may find bagels made over in Jersey but they're pale immitations of the real deal . . .

As for the game . . .You gotta get past Big Blue and they've been on a tear since tgey beat the Jets . . .

1/13/2012 10:28 AM  

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