Sunday, December 25, 2011

The Twelve Days of Walker in Wisconsin

2011 has been difficult year for me and for Wisconsin teachers in general. Thanks to our soon-to-be former governor, Scott Walker, we have lost salary, benefits, and bargaining rights. But our state has lost much more. A colleague found this online, and I thought it was worth sharing. Credit goes to the Solidarity Singers for spreading the word; I don't know who wrote the lyrics.

On the first day of his term, Scott Walker took from us:
An unarmed populace.

On the second day of his term, Scott Walker took from us:
Stem cell research, and an unarmed populace.

On the third day of his term, Scott Walker took from us:
Safe drinking water, Stem cell research, and an unarmed populace.

On the fourth day of his term, Scott Walker took from us:
Fair union contracts, Safe drinking water, Stem cell research, and an unarmed populace.

On the fifth day of his term, Scott Walker took from us:
HIGH SPEED RAIL!! Fair union contracts, Safe drinking water, Stem cell research, and an unarmed populace.

On the sixth day of his term, Scott Walker took from us:
Good public education, HIGH SPEED RAIL!! Fair union contracts, Safe drinking water, Stem cell research, and an unarmed populace.

On the seventh day of his term, Scott Walker took from us:
Russ Decker's shining virtue, Good public education, HIGH SPEED RAIL!! Fair union contracts, Safe drinking water, Stem cell research, and an unarmed populace.

On the eighth day of his term, Scott Walker took from us:
Health care for the poor, Decker's shining virtue, Good public education, HIGH SPEED RAIL!! Fair union contracts, Safe drinking water, Stem cell research, and an unarmed populace.

On the ninth day of his term, Scott Walker took from us:
A United DNR, Health care for the poor, Decker's shining virtue, Good public education, HIGH SPEED RAIL!! Fair union contracts, Safe drinking water, Stem cell research, and an unarmed populace.

On the tenth day of his term, Scott Walker took from us:
Lower than average unemployment, a United DNR, Health care for the poor, Decker's shining virtue, Good public education, HIGH SPEED RAIL!! Fair union contracts, Safe drinking water, Stem cell research, and an unarmed populace.

On the eleventh day of his term, Scott Walker took from us:
The shrinking middle class, Lower unemployment, a United DNR, Health care for the poor, Decker's shining virtue, Good public education, HIGH SPEED RAIL!! Fair union contracts, Safe drinking water, Stem cell research, and an unarmed populace.

(Dramatic tempo change and a grand pause -- )
On the twelfth day of his term, Scott Walker took from us:
Domestic partner benefits, the Shrinking middle class, Lower unemployment, a United DNR, Health care for the poor, Decker's shining virtue, Good public education, HIGH SPEED RAIL!! Fair union contracts, Safe drinking water, Stem cell research, and an unarmed populace.

In response, we say to the Grinch a.k.a. Walker:

In the first twelve days of the recall we gathered over 500,000 signatures.

'Nuff said.

Enjoy your family and the holiday season, readers. Remember, your vote counts. When the time comes, please go to the polls to preserve the best gift of all: a democracy.

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