Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Packers Bye Week; Racing Sausage Kabobs

Sometimes simplicity is best. Having a good pantry and fully provisioned freezer have gotten us through some busy days and harried weekends. This weekend should have been easy: the Packers had a bye! No opponent dishes to research and create! Instead, there was a feeling of let-down. Our Packers are doing well, but our Brewers didn't win quite enough. We decided to celebrate the Brewers' success, as far as it went, by making Racing Sausage Kabobs.

Here are the ingredients and basic supplies:

A side dish of baked beans - Chuck can never keep himself to just opening a can of beans. He adds several of his own special touches.

Another simple side: a can of fruit with sliced banana creates a fruit salad.

Here we go: Italian, Polish, Bratwurst, Hot Dog (natural casing, of course), and Chorizo - all on a stick for easy eating.

There you go, folks: a taste of Miller Park in our own home. Maybe they didn't make the World Series this time around, but the team did well. Very well.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Meat on a stick = always a good meal.

11/01/2011 11:14 AM  

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