Saturday, November 19, 2011

Eating the Opponent: Green Bay vs. Tampa Bay

There was a recipe email in my inbox this morning with the subject line: "Plan ahead now for Thanksgiving!" Ahem. If you haven't started planning for Thanksgiving yet, it's not early. In fact, grocery stores will probably be mobbed this weekend with people who really did plan ahead.

Before the harvest celebration next Thursday, the family at Chez O.K. will once again be eating the opponent, Tampa Bay Buccaneers' style. Chuck did a little research and found that the Tampa area plays host to restaurants that serve foods with a Spanish influence, a nod to Florida's history. The menu for tonight features that influence.

Albondigas: Meatballs made from a blend of ground veal and beef with breadcrumbs and jerk seasoning simmered with tomato sauce and carrots and potatoes. No, we're not calling the Buccaneers jerks. We're using seasoning with a Caribbean influence. The tomato sauce will feature some of the last fresh tomatoes, harvested before the final frost and ripened indoors.

Breadsticks warmed with olive oil and cayenne pepper

Fruit salad of Passion fruit and oranges

Key Lime Pie for dessert. I admit it, the Florida Keys are not directly related to Tamp Bay or NFL Football. It is, however, delicious.

Main course alternatives were:
Grilled snapper topped with olive oil, diced tomato, garlic, onions, and artichoke hearts
Chorizo Espanola: sliced chorizo and onions sauteed in olive oil

We'll save those for next year. Go! Pack! Go!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ate 'em up again. Now, what for Detroit? I'm thinking something made with General Mills cereal...

11/21/2011 11:13 AM  

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