Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Apple Cinnamon Muffins

Apple season is winding down, so I hope all of my favorite readers (that's all of you, by the way) have stocked up on the best apples available. If you're a true apple aficionado, you'll know that some are best for eating and some for baking. While you enjoy that honey crisp in your lunch box, consider these muffins for a warm and cozy weekend breakfast.

1 1/2 cups whole wheat pastry flour (you can use all-purpose if you must)
1 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
3/4 cup sugar
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 cup milk
1/3 cup butter, melted
1 egg (1/4 cup egg substitute)
1 cup peeled, cored apples: tart variety such as Granny Smith works well.

Stir flour, sugar, baking powder, and cinnamon together in a medium bowl. Add milk, butter, eggs, and apples next, stirring until smooth. Fill muffin tins about 2/3 full. Bake 20 minutes at 365. Let cool five minutes before eating - if you wait that long.

Readers, you know me. I'm already asking myself, "What if I shred these apples in the food processor? Or make them more the consistency of applesauce?" I'm also thinking, "How about raisins? Or dried cranberries?" It's harvest season, after all, and all of those cranberries need to be used up somehow, somewhere.

Let me know if you try either variation. I'm curious!


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