Friday, September 30, 2011

Eating the Opponent - beyond the cheesehead

It all started when the Packers opened the season against the Philadelphia Eagles and Chuck served up a delicious Philly Pepper Steak with cheese. The next week Green Bay played Buffalo, so we served (you guessed it) Buffalo wings. A challenge, a tradition in the making was born: Eating the Opponent.

We had some easy ones: Buffalo wings, Chicago style pizza, jambalaya for New Orleans. There were some challenges, too. Minnesota? I refused to even consider lutefisk, so we went Lake Wobegon style and served stuffed meatloaf. Sunday breakfast included turnovers, in honor of then-QB Favre.

Playoffs extended our menu into January. Philly again, Atlanta, and another Chicago foodie weekend led up to the final meal against Pittsburgh, and there the story ended with pierogies, Klondike bars, Super Burgers, and the return of the Lombardi Trophy to Green Bay where it belongs.

We thought about it. Are we superstitious, or just hungry? Whatever the truth may be, here we go again.

The 2011 NFL season started with jambalaya and two great quarterbacks (Aaron Rodgers and Drew Brees, if you didn't know) passing for the highest score. The second week of the season featured Chicago style hot dogs with the works.

I put week three to my friends on Twitter and Plurk. What should we serve when Green Bay plays Denver? Suggestions mounted.
  • Rocky Road ice cream
  • Denver omelets
  • Coors beer
  • Rocky Mountain Oysters (Not. A. Chance.)
The final decision: A major product of ranchers in the west, Black Angus beef. Sorry, Coors, but I'd rather have a Leinenkugel's stout or a New Glarus Spotted Cow. It's a Wisconsin thing.

Now, readers, here's your chance. Next weekend the Packers play the Atlanta Falcons. Coke products are a given. But what else? Suggest, please.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't suppose you can grill a free-range falcon for supper. Isn't Atlanta supposed to be one of those big "BBQ" cities? Or am I wrong?

9/30/2011 9:01 AM  
Anonymous Petunia said...

Georgia peaches.

10/01/2011 12:25 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Peanuts, preferably *in* the Coke (it's a southern thang, trust me on this).

10/01/2011 4:43 PM  
Blogger Earth Muffin said...

What are you serving when the Packers play the Rams? Living just 30 minutes from the Gateway Arch, I could provide a few suggestions...

Toasted ravioli
Super-thin crust pizza with provolone cheese (delish!)
Gooey butter cake
Top it all off w/a Schlafly beer...take your pick, they're all good!

10/05/2011 7:53 PM  

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