Thursday, February 03, 2011

Packers Spirit Invades Home & Neighborhood

Yesterday I introduced you to some of the everyday Packers gear in the house. Today I'll take a short tour to see a few things that we've added to show our Green Bay Spirit.

First, back to the kitchen. This unique Title Towel is hiding some of the cookbook clutter. Ah, Lambeau; a classic stadium for a classy team!

La Petite and I gathered everything we could find and arranged it artfully on the fireplace mantel. The cheesehead has two autographs; Mark Tauscher and Gilbert Brown. Mardi Gras beads on the right are from Super Bowl XXXI; I hope they'll bring good luck to XLV!!

If we get in the car and head to the grocery store for super burger ingredients, we might pass this snow sculpture. Yes, folks, it's the Lombardi Trophy made out of the white stuff that falls regularly on the northern realms of the NFL.

I've got to admire the time investment to make and maintain this piece. Weather is going to cooperate; it won't melt any time soon!

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Blogger Judy Jeute said...

Wow, very impressive team spirit!!!

2/03/2011 6:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've seen that snow sculpture. Crazy!

2/04/2011 10:15 AM  

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