Saturday, January 15, 2011

What does a baby do with a big pot?

Amigo borrowed my new big canner to teach his cousin some new tricks.

"Hey, Amigo, I got it! I can solo now!"

"What's that? You in the corner - are you laughin' at me?"

"Wait a minute. This isn't where the drummer goes."

"Next gig, Amigo, we'll wow 'em at our next gig."

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Blogger Kristin @ Going Country said...

Why did it never occur to me to get a photo of Cubby inside our huge pressure canner pot? That might be the cutest (and possibly most appropriate) photo EVER.

1/15/2011 7:58 AM  
Blogger Flea said...

She is darling! I have a pot like that in the garage. I need to get it out and use it for soup.

1/15/2011 8:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Such cute photos!

1/17/2011 10:46 AM  

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