Friday, December 24, 2010

Holiday Clutter

Welcome to the O.K. Chorale, our humble home. Instead of the typical home tour with tree and fireplace et al, I'll show you the clutter. It's seasonal and festive, but I must admit the house is really, really cluttered. First, the cards. They go in a basket that's decorated for the occasion. To the left you see a pot of rosemary - or maybe it's thyme. Both are growing on top of the piano, despite the limited light of the solstice season.

On your way into the kitchen, look up. You'll see these festive little items. Why don't I use the mug for coffee? Because I have plenty in the cupboard, thank you very much.

To your right you'll see a candy dish that Amigo bought me when he was young and a snowman candle. I don't burn candles often, but this one is in a really cute holder.

If you're brave enough to venture up to the master bedroom, you'll see presents stacked in a corner. Why? Come on, people. We have bunnies! If we put the presents under the tree, the bunnies will open them before we do. They love tearing paper and boxes apart.

Even farther into the room, in my walk-in closet, a few more gifts are sitting up high on a shelf. You might notice the lack of fancy wrapping paper. One is wrapped in a re-used bag, but the rest use packing paper or other creative means. If you look closely enough, one gift is wrapped in a map.

So there you have it, folks, the holiday clutter at the home of Daisy and family!

I hope your weekend is full of peace and happiness. Merry Christmas, readers.

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Blogger Sandra La Knitalian said...

That, SunnyD, is tame, compared to the Epic Chaos of my abode-you'd run screaming~LOL!

Happy Winter Solstice, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!

12/24/2010 4:33 PM  
Blogger Kristin @ Going Country said...

Merry Christmas to you, too.

12/25/2010 6:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope your day is very merry! Your clutter is festive:)

12/25/2010 9:39 AM  

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