Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Dunkin' Donuts Coffee

Me and my big mouth. I mentioned the latest product review for my blog and the lovely package (pictured below) that had just arrived in the mail.

Minutes later, I was surrounded by fellow coffee-loving teachers suggesting that I really needed to expand the pool of taste-testers. They offered the art teacher's coffeepot.

I gave in.

The vanilla nut flavor made a home in the school office with our incredibly more-than-competent secretarial staff. They're wonderful people, and they've helped me out so much this year that there's not enough coffee in the world to say thanks. After I made a couple of pots of vanilla nut at home (I had to try it out myself, of course, or where's the integrity?) I delivered the rest of this delicious blend to the divine Ms. M and superior Ms. K.

The mocha mint flavor tastes like Christmas. The first time I made it, I kept looking outside and expecting snow, not leaves awaiting my rake. I felt like wrapping presents and decorating the tree. I shared about half of the package with my teacher friends, but I'm setting the rest aside for December. They had a similar reaction, invoking statements like "I think I'll go home and find my Christmas music!"

Pumpkin Spice is perfect for November. Harvest-style flavor, just sweet enough, and an aroma that brings Thanksgiving into my home - what more could I want? Well, someone to clean up after the turkey is carved, maybe, but I'll settle for Pumpkin Spice Coffee for now. The P.E. teacher was especially excited to try this flavor because she had seen it in the grocery store, but didn't want to buy a full bag until she knew it was good. Well, now she knows.

My professional colleagues understand the role of a good cup of coffee in maintaining teacher sanity. I predict more of these lovely blends will find their way into our school building's coffeepots.

I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central on behalf of Smuckers and received necessary products to facilitate my review. In addition, I received a gift certificate to thank me for taking the time to participate. All that and a chance to share with my friends, too - now that's the holiday spirit. Thanks, Dunkin. Thanks, MomCentral. I hope your holidays are delicious and enjoyable.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

So it's good, then? I've never tried it, but they sell it at the Pig.

11/10/2010 10:23 AM  
Blogger Judy Jeute said...

Isn't it fun to share the bounty? And how thoughtful of you to do so, you sweet thing!

11/11/2010 6:15 AM  

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