Saturday, August 14, 2010

Health and HPV screenings

Regular readers know that I've had health issues earlier this summer. I was lucky; thanks to a good team of physicians, I'm doing very well now. I'm also the type of patient who asks questions and insists on answers. In short, I'm a self-advocate.

The HPV vaccine is one tool in protecting our daughters from future problems. Adult women can also protect themselves - by requesting an HPV test at the same time as our pap smears. Not all doctors use both tests, so self-advocacy is important.

HPV stands for human papillomavirus. There are about 100 types of HPV, with 15 "high risk" types likely to lead to cervical cancer. Makers of t
he digene HPV Test have set up a comprehensive web site with information about this test, the risks of HPV, and more. For example, I found out that t
he HPV vaccine is only good for teens and young women who have never been exposed, and 80% of women will be exposed to some form of HPV in their lives. For women ages 30+, too "old" for the vaccine, testing is recommended.

Adult women, especially working mothers, are notorious for putting others first. Readers, your daughters are probably up to date on their vaccines. Are you up to date on your own routine medical care? Taking care of yourself is important.

With that in mind, I think I'll take a nap. Right after I get these zucchini cookies out of the oven....

I wrote this post while participating in a blog campaign by Mom Central on behalf of the QIAGEN
digene HPV test. Mom Central also sent me a gift card to thank me for taking the time to participate.

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