Monday, July 05, 2010

Top Ten Reasons I Adore Fleet Farm

10. Fleet Farm had the tomato supports I needed when no one else in town stocked them.
9. My receipts come with a discount on gas at their gas station. If I fill up the minivan there after making a purchase, I save. I fill my van so seldom; if I can wait to fill the tank when I'm at Fleet Farm, it's a winner.
8. The clerk at the Fleet gas station resembles a young Brad Paisley. If the teen girls start hanging around the bait counter, we'll know why.
7. I can resist most impulse buys because of the unique merchandise. I do not need a blaze orange negligee. Really, honey.
6. I said most impulse buys, not all. I did buy a small funnel for my jam. It turned out to be a perfect fit for the tops of the jars, and it prevented waste and messes. I've never seen this little gizmo anywhere else - only at Fleet Farm.
5. It's a huge store; getting what I need requires exercise. Who needs a treadmill? Who needs to walk the mall? I just shop at Fleet Farm.
4. It's easier to say than Farm and Fleet.
3. Chuck and I bought our bikes there three years ago, and they're still going strong.
2. It keeps me humble. Walking from the canning supplies to the garden center I passed through the equine section. There are things on the shelves that a city girl like me will never need. Need? I don't even know what most of the equine equipment is!
1. At Fleet Farm, I found everything I needed to make my first batch of jam!

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Blogger Judy Jeute said...

Man, I wish we had one...

7/05/2010 7:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's as they say, "if you can't find it at Fleet Farm, you don't need it!"

7/05/2010 11:30 AM  

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