Sunday, July 11, 2010

Rain, rain. Or not.

Our summer started out like a soggy mess. The rain barrels filled and overflowed, filled and overflowed some more. I started rearranging the overflow tubes so that different sections of the garden got flooded with each storm.

Last week the weather was fabulous. Not too hot, not too cool. Windows open at night for lovely sleeping weather. No rain. We're actually using the water in the barrels! It's the kind of weather when I can actually get out in the dirt and accomplish gardening goals.

Task one: transplant herbs. I bought a few lightweight, inexpensive pots from Fleet Farm. I moved the herbs from their long hanging pot; now they're on the steps leading up to the deck. I felt like they needed more space to grow and they were getting too soggy. I also noticed that a few stray oregano seedlings were coming up in odd places. They must have reseeded last year, unseen by me. I'll pick up more oregano seeds and fill in the rest; we can reserve this long, narrow pot on the rail for oregano and just say it was meant to be.

Task two: take care of the transplanted rhubarb. I moved several rhubarb plants from their home near the garage to the former abode of mint and hollyhocks. I've decided to wait a few years before trying hollyhocks again; mine caught a bad case of rust last year. As for mint, we still have plenty.

Task three: fence the new tomato plot! Chuck started this, but has had little or no time to finish. I'll weed a bit, keep the tomatoes on their supports, but that's all. You see, the neighborhood rabbits have found a home there. We chase them out, wave them off, and talk sweetly to the baby one so we don't scare it. No, not really. But as long as these three adorable furry creatures find refuge in my tomatoes, I can't plant carrots. Or more lettuce. Or expect the broccoli to reach maturity.

Task four: keep it all watered. That's easy! The barrels are still very full, thanks to yet another storm over the weekend.

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