Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Summer salad: Chicken, apple, walnut, and brown rice salad

Here's another resource using rice from Uncle Ben's! I made half of this because only three of us would be eating. Served on a bed of lettuce with a few more random veggies, it was delicious and filling.


2 bags Uncle Ben's Boil-in-bag whole Grain Brown Rice
2 cups cooked, shredded skinless chicken breast, cooled (I cooked mine on the grill the previous night; planned-overs rule!)
2 thinly sliced medium green apples
1 cup finely chopped red onion (Optional: I like onion, so I included it)
1/3 cup toasted coarsely chopped walnuts
6 Tablespoons balsamic vinaigrette
1 Tablespoons fresh chopped sage or parsley for garnish


1. Prepare rice according to directions. Let cool.
2. Cook chicken. Shred with fork.
3. In a large bowl, toss together rice, chicken, green apple, red onion, walnuts and balsamic vinaigrette.
4. Serve cold or at room temperature; garnish with sage or parsley.
Serves 6.

Daisy's tips:

Daughter requested more vinaigrette.
Chuck suggested more walnuts or perhaps sprinkling them on top rather than tossing with salad.
I dipped the diced apple in fruit juice to prevent browning. Lemon juice works, too.

This was not a sponsored post. I had more Uncle Ben's Rice left over from a previous review, so I tried another of the recipes they'd provided. It was a hit - I'll make this again on the hot, hot days of summer!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd love this. My family would not care for the nuts, though.

6/29/2010 4:47 PM  

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