Saturday, June 05, 2010

Mother's Cookies: the circus kind

Do these cookies bring back memories?

No? Then you were a deprived child. They're Mother's Cookies, the circus kind, with pink and white frosting and sprinkles. The company is expanding into the Kansas City market, so they asked MomCentral for a little help generating excitement for their brand. Of course I said I'd help!

These cookies are a little sweeter than standard shortbread animal cookies, but they're still mild enough to eat a handful as a snack without overdoing the sugar. Young kids like them with milk. I like mine with coffee. My teenager likes his with Mountain Dew and a computer. Well, he didn't eat the computer.

If Mother's Cookies aren't in your market yet, you can find them at Amazon. You won't find them at my house until we go shopping again; the two bags provided for the review went quickly. I'm finishing the last of the batch right now - for breakfast. Shh; it's okay. I'll have a grapefruit later.

I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central on behalf of Mother’s Cookies and received two bags of cookies and a $20 Amazon gift certificate to facilitate my review. Good timing; I can put it towards an order for Father's Day. Chuck hinted about a train book....

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Blogger Unknown said...

I'm laughing my ass off here. I LOVE those circus cookies and a couple of weeks ago, during the LOST finale, a friend brought over a bag of mixed cookies that had some of the covered ones in it. I ate them all. I bypassed brownies, a pound cake, a cream cheese cake, and a bunch of chips and dips for those cookies. I LOVE them.

6/05/2010 7:29 PM  
Anonymous On a limb with Claudia said...

I love these cookies! I was so excited when they brought them back. When the husband was super ill, the only food he would eat are the Mother's Oatmeal cookies. So we're both fans!

6/06/2010 9:20 AM  

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