Thursday, May 20, 2010

Tweens and Body Odor

I sent the following note home in my class' weekly newsletter.

"I’ve noticed an increase in body odor in the room. Are your children ready for deodorant? It may be time to have the personal hygiene talk with your child!"

The best version of this "talk" came from a school nurse who had a son in sixth grade. She was a middle school nurse, so she had street cred with my students at the time: the dreaded 6th graders. She talked about face washing, astringent, and acne. She informed them that only 30% of kids their age washed their hands after using the bathroom, and challenged them to become part of the elite 30%. She taught the kids that as they reach their preteen years, the body starts producing hormones. Those hormones combined with sweat create (drumroll) Body Odor. She explained the difference between antiperspirant and deodorant. When she was done, they were psyched.

I now teach 4th grade, so the *ahem* odors in a spring-time classroom are not as intense as a room housing 6th graders between its chalkboards and walls. However, after an intense afternoon recess of kickball and jump rope, the scent still wafts through the air.

Socially, it's not popular to smell of sweat and body odor. As children get old enough to use deodorant, sometimes I need to approach the awkward subject and tell them it's time. So when MomCentral offered a blog review tour for Unilever products geared for preteens, I offered to check out the products.

In addition to the products (Dove deodorant and body spray), Unilever presents a web site devoted to talks between parents and teens about this uncomfortable subject. It's called Don't Fret the Sweat. I suggest browsing the site together and then leaving it bookmarked for further perusal, er, surfing.

You may find a less, er, aromatic home and a more confident tween or teen. Trust me; your child's teacher will be relieved, too.

I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central on behalf of Unilever and received the items necessary to facilitate my review. The deodorant and body spray went by way of our school counselor to a girl in my class who is socially awkward and developing body odor. She's a sweetheart, and this little tool might help her feel more confident. The scent is light, and she won't be conspicuous while wearing it, either.
In addition, Mom Central sent me a gift card to thank me for taking the time to participate.

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Blogger Flea said...

Awww. :) We've had that talk three times. Greatly necessary at least two of those times. I'm so glad a little girl was helped.

5/20/2010 6:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amazing what a little soap will do for a person's likability factor.

5/20/2010 12:43 PM  
Blogger Club 166 said...

We had to start having Sweet Pea use anti-perspirant/deodorant this year, and she's only 8 years old (2nd grade). While Buddy Boy (4th grade) doesn't need to yet. Funny how these things work, sometime.


5/22/2010 7:11 AM  

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