Thursday, May 27, 2010

Noodles & Company, Pasta and Vegetables

When MomCentral asked me to be part of a blog tour that reviewed Noodles & Company, I emailed La Petite, who was still at school:

"When you come home, we need to make a trip to Noodles & Company for a product review. Darn. Such a sacrifice. I hope you're up for it. "
She was up for it. She replied, "I just can't say No to Noodles."

Our opportunity came sooner than we thought. I picked her up at her roommate's home in the Madison area after a big graduation party. On our way out of town, we looked for a place to have a light lunch. We didn't want to sit down and have something heavy, but we wanted something better than fast food. Lo and behold, we spotted a Noodles & Company outside of Madison's East Towne mall.

I hear you thinking, "What a coincidence! Did you plan that? Come on, Daisy, out with it."

No, we didn't precisely plan to go to Noodles & Company that day. I did pack the bowl coupons in my purse, though, because I knew our route would take us down an immense Strip with just about every restaurant option you could want. Luck was with us; the Noodles & Company was on the right side of the road at the right time.

At the suggestion of Mom Central and because it was in season, I ordered the Asparagus and Lemon Linguine dish. It tasted as good as it looked. Feta cheese on top, snap peas to join the asparagus, simply delicious. Those are La Petite's sunglasses, by the way; you didn't think I was that fashionable, did you?

Daughter had her "usual," the pesto cavatappi with chicken. She let me try a bite of hers, and she sampled mine. Both were delicious.

Prior to this review, I hadn't been to Noodles & Company for a long time. Our local Noodles restaurant isn't close to home, it's close to the mall. I'm not a big mall-goer, so we end up there on rare and special occasions. I'm glad I took the time to go; I really do enjoy their menu. Speaking of menu, you can go to their web site and check out the menu before you go. I highly recommend clicking on the Farmers Market link and then playing the little veggie/ noodle musicians' video. It's adorable.

I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central on behalf of Noodles & Company and received five Noodles & Company bowl cards to facilitate my review. Mom Central also sent me a thank-you gift certificate.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember being SO excited we were getting a Noodles here...but yes, it's in Mall-land and I just don't go there either. A shame. It is yummy.

5/27/2010 12:26 PM  

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