Monday, March 08, 2010

I am teacher: who am I?

The knowledge bases of a professional teacher are many, diverse, and complex; and skillful teaching requires systematic and continual study of these knowledge bases.

Wow. Did I realize the depth of my profession when I chose this field? I can only answer that with another question: does anyone in teacher training truly realize the skill needed, the complex knowledge bases (not just base), and the continual study it will require?

Teaching changes as children change, as society changes, as our economic system changes, and as our future changes. Perhaps you've heard people talk about the way many modern jobs and careers did not exist when the professionals in the fields were in elementary school. I'm not sure the general public understands the complexity - wait. Strike that, reverse it. I'm sure that most members of the general public have no idea of the complexity in every day of teaching.

On that note, I think I'd better quit blogging and sign up for next summer's continuing education course. I'm looking at differentiation techniques for teaching talented and gifted students. They're in my class, in my neighborhood, and in our world. These are the quick learners, the voracious readers, and often the neglected students left to learn on their own as we assist the lower achievers. To add to another knowledge base, add to my diverse repertoire, I'm seeking systematic and continual study: again.

Quote from The Skillful Teacher by Saphier, Haley-Speca, and Gower.


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Blogger bubbleboo said...

Can you come live here and teach Chipmunk? Please?! ((hugs))

3/28/2010 9:37 AM  

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