Saturday, February 13, 2010

I've got sunshine, on a snowy afternoon!

I've been awarded the Sunshine Award! My friend Hannah from A Thought Bubble or Two graciously passed this recognition on to me. It's not easy to look on the positive side when the snow is piling up and my head is throbbing and my nose is running. But when friends build up friends, the sunshine breaks through the clouds figuratively while we wait for the storms to ease in a more literal sense.

Here are the criteria for accepting this award:

Put the logo on your blog or within your post (right click and save),
Pass the award on to 12 bloggers,
Link the nominees within your post,
Let the nominees know they have received this award by commenting on their blog.

This is tough! I read so many blogs, and enjoy so many people online. Here's a list. Sample and enjoy!

Janet at The Planet of Janet. She's another contributor to Mid-Century Modern Moms, and her adventures in motherhood can make you laugh until you're in tears.

Melissa at Green Girl! We live so close to each other, but we haven't met face to face - yet. It'll happen. Maybe she'll help me figure out what went wrong with the orange marmalade.

Mary at Minnesota Matron. I'm not sure how she accomplishes all that she does with only 24 hours in a day, but I'm glad she fits a blog into her busy life.

Michelle at Scribbit. Motherhood in Alaska is both similar and different compared to motherhood in Wisconsin.

Joanne, the original and fabulous Punditmom! I found her through Momocrats and still follow her posts.

Josh, a.k.a. the World's Strongest Librarian. He's a fascinating writer, voracious reader, and positive voice in the world of disabilities.

Judy from Royal Ranch - and not only because she sent me a bag of their Naked 'Nure llama manure compost tea mix. I admire her major efforts to increase her own green living and that of her Colorado town.

Earth Muffin! We are kindred spirits: teachers, eco-conscious, and more. She posts sporatically, but it's worth reading when she does.

A relatively new blogger but wise-beyond-her-years teacher, Liberty Rose of Teacher Ponders. I knew she was amazing in the classroom; her adventures beyond school walls have been unbelievable.

Flea, blogging at Flea's World in Tulsa, Oklahoma, who makes me laugh daily. Look for Fred and Bessie, but watch out for Mr. Monkeysuit!

Jenn from Mommy Needs Coffee. Even though her dog ate Flat Stanley, I still love her. With a blog name like Mommy Needs Coffee, how could I not feel a kindship?

Leah at Suddenly Frugal. She brings sunshine in the form of possibilities and realities. The fact that she's also very eco-conscious makes her suggestions even better.

Enjoy my dozen, and look for their suggestions, too!


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Blogger Earth Muffin said...

Thanks, Daisy!

2/13/2010 11:32 AM  
Blogger Scribbit said...

Ah you're sweet. Happy Saturday to you!

2/13/2010 4:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thank you. You put me in some awfully nice company, too.

2/15/2010 1:47 PM  
Blogger the planet of janet said...

awww, thanks, honey!!!


2/23/2010 12:28 AM  

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