Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Having fun buying local

We were taking care of details in La Petite's college town. She had a photo montage that needed a unique frame; I was visiting and had a vehicle, so we ventured downtown to a small business she'd noticed on Main Street. The business owner worked with her in choosing the frame, planning the end result. I browsed.

He had set up a few tables of Wisconsin foodstuffs, all produced by small businesses in my fair snow-covered state. I looked them over, read the ingredients and the locations of the companies, and yes, I bought some. Two, in fact. I bought a brownie mix made by Dancin' Tastebuds in Milwaukee and rainbow couscous (such a fun food it has to be named twice!) from Rice River Farms in Spooner.

This purchase doesn't totally fit the 100 mile limitation for locavore eating (well, the Milwaukee piece comes close), but heck, I buy Door County products, too, so why not? Both looked delicious.
Then I got to thinking -- a dangerous pastime, I know. As far as economic stimulus, we were both buying from a small business in her adopted small college town. She'll be counted there in the census, and the campus and surrounding areas have been important parts of her life for the past few years. Yes, we were buying local - not my local, but her local. And that's all good. The ripple effect will be good, too. This small business owner will continue to buy from food producers in Spooner and Milwaukee and more, encouraging state food production rather than trucking in merchandise from far away. Yes, this small shop on Main Street could become a regular stop for me when I visit my kiddo's campus.

I like this little college town. Whatever will I do when she graduates?

Nope, this is not a sponsored post. Readers who know me recognize that this kind of shopping trip is right up my alley; small shop, locally owned, specializing in state products. Now if you'll excuse me, I think I'll go bake brownies.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

In our state is local for me! Yes, my town is better, county is acceptable, but better MY state if all else fails!

2/17/2010 10:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In our state is local for me! Yes, my town is better, county is acceptable, but better MY state if all else fails!

2/17/2010 10:03 AM  

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