See that dark spot in the snow? Can you read it? Nope. Neither could I. In fact, neither I nor the other two drivers knew it was there when we parked for our staff development session at a local high school.

You guessed it; it's a No Parking sign, smashed on the snowbank and nearly invisible.

I don't think I can afford any more staff development days. Drive-thru coffee, drive-thru lunch, and (you guessed this, too, didn't you) a parking ticket.
I was not a happy camper. I was not a happy teacher, either. And due to the poor quality of my photos (who can take a good picture of a sign in a pile of snow, I ask you?) there's no point in fighting the ticket.
Call that groundhog; I'm ready to be done with winter. Bah, humbug. Heck, I'm ready to be done with school!
Labels: teachers live at school
Stumble It!
Ooooh I'd be SO mad.
Funny thing (to me).
I have you right above "Finny Knits" in my favorites file. As I was reading your post I was thinking you were Finny. And how changed you were, Finny!
I didn't know you were a teacher, Finny.
(I've figured it out.)
You absolutely MUST fight City Hall!
Go get 'em, Sister!
Well, dear, seeing as you have encouraged me to fight for my trees, I feel that you should fight the ticket! This picture is evidence enough for me!!! Take it to town!
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