Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Bumper Sticker Fun

Can you read this bumper sticker? Neither can I. Sorry. It was windy and cold, and we just wanted to get back in the car and get the heat on. Taking a quality photo with my cell phone wasn't a high priority.

You might guess based on the Feingold sticker (almost readable) that although it's centered on the vehicle, the sentiment leans to the left. It does. The bumper sticker in white on red reads:
Democratic Women are the Life of the Party.
I think I'd like the driver of this minivan. Her bumper sticker is almost as much fun as this one.


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Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is FABULOUS! I want one, too!

2/10/2010 9:31 AM  
Blogger Jill said...

That's awesome!!

2/10/2010 10:57 AM  

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