Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Open Sesame -- Street, that is.

One of my favorite lines in the original Muppet Movie is Big Bird's response when Kermit and Fozzie offer him a ride to Hollywood. "No, thanks. I'm on my way to New York to break into Public Television." Anyone watching the movie knows Big Bird and knows where he's going. Can you tell him how to get to Sesame Street?

When we were in Seattle last July, Chuck and I visited a traveling exhibit of Jim Henson's Muppets. Sesame Street, the Muppet Show, early commercials - you name it, it was covered. I couldn't take pictures inside the exhibit, so we took pictures (of course) of the advertising on the way in and on the way out. How to get to Sesame Street, in my book, leads straight to Jim Henson, with a good helping of Joe Raposo's tunes on the side.

And if muppet memories aren't enough, go visit Mir at Wantnot. She's doing her best to give away a DVD called Sesame Street: 40 Years of Sunny Days. Her contest expires tonight, so go on!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 38 I have literally grown up with Sesame Street and I always loved Big Bird's comment in the Muppet Movie. My favorite Muppet is Kermit, the roving reporter here. Followed closely by Gonzo and Grover.

11/11/2009 9:16 AM  
Blogger Earth Muffin said...

We grew up with Sesame Street too. In fact, it was a little jarring to realize that we've both been there with it almost from the beginning!

I took Big M. to a travelling Sesame Street exhibit several years ago. We had our picture taken on the front stoop of 123 Sesame Street and I read him books while we sat in Big Bird's nest. It was such a cool exhibit! I'd really love to see the Jim Henson one. I'll have to see if it's coming our way any time.

My boys have the 25th anniversary VHS tape and a Sesame Stree/Stomp tape as well. Both are fantastic and still a favorite around here.
Talk about withstanding the test of time!

11/11/2009 12:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our girls just outgrew Sesame Street, which makes me sad. I still love it!

11/11/2009 3:32 PM  

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