Friday, November 27, 2009

The Great Small Purse Drive

Mocha Momma is who I want to be when I grow up. Oh, wait; she's younger than I am. Oh, well, she's wise beyond years and simultaneously young at heart. Did I mention generous? Creative? Resourceful?

She is a high school administrator in Springfield, IL, at a school with, well, lots of difficulties. Safety is a big concern, and with that in mind, students cannot carry backpacks around with them. Boys complained that girls were allowed to carry purses, and the policy was updated to limit purse size.

70% of the students in this high school live at or below the poverty rate. These girls can't afford a second purse just to keep themselves together at school. Mocha Momma came up with a solution: the Great Small Purse Drive.

I've been reading Kelly's blog for several years now, she's read mine, and we've emailed back and forth. She's a woman of integrity, with great taste in coffee and a great sense of what's important in life. I trust she'll get these purses into the hands of girls who need them.

Purses should be smaller than a standard 8.5 X 11 piece of copy paper. Send any donations to:

Kelly Wickham
P.O. Box 9465
Springfield, IL 62791
Let's do it, readers. Pass the word and pass the purses. One big closet clean-up for you; one small purse for a young woman.

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Blogger Flea said...

I'll have to dig through my closet. I have a backback purse that might be the right size.

11/27/2009 8:21 AM  
Blogger Mocha said...

YOU are a peach! The bees knees! The best!

Thank you for all those really nice things you said. It inspires me to keep on keepin' on.


11/28/2009 12:30 AM  

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