Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Cleaning the classroom

Last year my class decorated the chalkboard with flowers during the last few weeks of school. I liked it so much that this year, I assigned them the task. We were gearing up for a field trip to see a play based on the book Seedfolks by Paul Fleischman. I helped prepare them for the story by reading about urban gardens, learning about plants, planting their own tomato plants in little pots made from toilet paper rolls, and more. One day I presented them with several shades and lengths of green construction paper, told them these were their stems, and challenged them to create flowers using our bin of paper scraps.

They outdid themselves.

The flowers were lovely, each as original as its creator. My young students (ages 9-10) decided to write their names on the board to claim their work. They wrote and drew and made more flowers, and I was glad to say Yes to saving their work from the cleaning staff. I knew Di, the cleaner who keeps my room spotless, would love the classroom flower garden as much as I did and would be glad to leave it untouched by rag or vinegar cleaning spray.

When a student moved the week before school let out, she made sure to pick her flower from the board. On the last full day of school, plucking the flowers was a high priority for the young paper gardeners. By then the chalk was getting dusty, but the paper work was as unique as ever. High art? Nope. Just right? Absolutely.

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Blogger Earth Muffin said...

I love that! What a great I may steal for next year. If the planets align correctly, I'll probably have some younger students next year and this would be right up their alley.

6/17/2009 8:45 AM  
Blogger Susan said...

How cute! Id have a hard time taking it down too, however there is something about a clean room, a fresh start, a new year.

6/17/2009 2:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What fun--I love that you kept those flowers up all year.

6/17/2009 3:42 PM  

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