Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Variations on mac & cheese

I was in the mood for comfort food, but not junk food like pizza or a drive-thru bag of fries. I made my new standard, baked macaroni and cheese. As usual, I decided to play with the recipe a little. I mixed in a little Italian seasoning, a small container of leftover vegetables and about 1/2 cup of grated zucchini from the freezer. While it baked I cooked a few slices of bacon to crumble on the top. I told Amigo it was like a bacon cheeseburger without the burger. He said, "Huh?" and proceeded to eat a large serving!

Potential add-ins for Mac & Cheese Bake

crumbled bacon
Mexican style: use Mexican cheeses and taco seasoning. Add chorizo for fun!
Italian style: use parmesan & mozzarella cheeses; sprinkle with Italian herbs and spices
Hidden Nutrition: add diced or grated vegetables
Good Wisconsin: Swiss, cheddar, colby -- oh, heck, almost any cheese will do!

Please remember the Virtual Great American Bake Sale continues through the end of July. New versions of the eBooks include an introduction by Food Network's Sandra Lee. Lee has a new magazine; if you'd like to subscribe, she'll friend you on Facebook. All proceeds from the Great American Bake Sale, virtual or real-life, go to Share Our Strength, a group devoted to eliminating child hunger.


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Blogger Flea said...

Bacon makes everything yummy. Looks good! And I agree that mac'n'cheese is the best comfort food.

5/05/2009 7:25 AM  
Blogger Jim @ CoolStuffForDads.com said...

I agree with Flea, bacon does make everything taste good. Bacon as a pizza topping is also very good!

5/05/2009 10:49 AM  

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