Monday, May 25, 2009

Going Greener and Greener

Action is my Word of the Year. That's one reason I signed up for Going Green Today. They send one easy action to my email every day to help me increase my Green Living habits. Green? you may be thinking, "Daisy, you're about as green as they come!" You'll never mistake me for Elphaba from Wicked, but yes, I'm very eco-conscious. I did notice, however, that as I filled out my daily Go Green sheet the one point activities were easy; the four pointers were harder. Some were hard because I'd already done them, but some just took a little more effort.

Going Green recently offered bloggers and writers a one-time free membership with no strings attached (they didn't ask for this post, by the way), so I jumped at the chance. I was already following them on Twitter and enjoying their general tips. The daily tips that now arrive in my inbox are more specific. They're part of a personal plan based on a survey I took when I signed up. The plan is of a chosen length (I picked 30 days) and takes into consideration my personal habits and needs. They won't, for example, suggest I start a compost pile or take my own bags to the store. I already do both of those.

My suggested action today was this: ** Going to the Market **

Depending on where you live, farmer's markets can range from year-long to primarily during the summer months. Finding these gems can be a fun event for
the whole family and a great way to get to know the people who care for the food
you eat.

My local market will start soon, but not soon enough. I'd go today if it were open! Part of our plan for our anniversary trip is a visit to the ultimate market: Pike Place Market in Seattle. I'm sure I'll envy Seattle residents their market. In fact, I think Husband is a little nervous that I might decide we need to move there.

But back to my word, Action: Going Green Today is a good fit for my goals. I think it'll be a good fit for many of my eco-conscious readers.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay for farmer's markets! They grow what I can't!

5/25/2009 9:10 PM  
Blogger Flea said...

Oo! Oo! I can't wait to see picks and hear stories when you go to Pike Place!

5/25/2009 9:41 PM  

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